Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is land surveying?
  2. What do I need to get a cost estimate/quote for my land survey?
  3. How do I get a map of a property?
  4. Do I really need a licensed Professional Land Surveyor (PLS)?
  5. Are all land surveyors the same?
  6. Why do I need a Professional Land Surveyor?
  7. Why do you not list prices online?
  8. Why are surveys so expensive?
  9. How can I be a land surveyor?
  10. What do I do if I have a boundary problem or dispute?
  11. Is my lot big enough to subdivide?
  12. How can I pay by credit card?
  1. What is land surveying?
    Land surveying is measuring the earth through detailed study, inspection, field measurements, and research.

  2. What do I need to get a cost estimate/quote for my land survey?
    You will need the legal description and a copy of your property's survey map. The survey map may be obtained from the Department of Land Management's Record Division for a small fee. Contact us for a free quote.

  3. How do I get a map of a property?
    Step 1: Go to the Records Division at the Department of Land Management at ITC 3rd floor.
    Step 2: Have the Lot number of the property. (Addresses do NOT work.)
    Step 3: Look up the Lot number and obtain the Document number or LM check number of Lot.
    Step 4: Give clerk the Document number or LM check number of Lot.
    Step 5: Pay copy fee.

  4. Do I really need a licensed Professional Land Surveyor (PLS)?
    Yes, according to Guam law, only licensed (professional) land surveyors are allowed to practice, advertise, or offer land surveying services. If you decide to hire an individual or firm to perform a land survey of your property, verify that they are licensed with the Board of Professional Engineers, Architects, and Land Surveyors (PEALS). They can provide you with a list of individuals and firms authorized to provide land surveying services or they can verify if an individual is licensed. You can contact them here at

  5. Are all land surveyors the same?
    NO! In any profession, there are some good and bad apples. Some are more skilled in certain types of surveys than others. A competent land surveyor will offer the following as a standard for his services: be willing to take full responsibility for his survey by recording his survey results at the Department of Land Management Records Division and be willing to accomplish a survey that is defensible in court.

  6. Why do I need a Professional Land Surveyor?
    • Reveal any boundary issues with a property
    • Indicate exact property location
    • Suggest possible options for the property such as subdivisions, parceling, parental subdivisions, and consolidation
    • Obtain information about properties, such as flood zones, wetlands, setbacks, zoning, etc.
    • Provide advice on property issues such as easements, encroachment, etc.
    • Hiring an unlicensed surveyor can damage your LOT; Solving these issues can take years.

  7. Why do you not list prices online?
    We customize our prices to meet every client's specific needs and specifications. The cost depends on several factors:
    • What type of survey do you need?
    • Is the property heavily vegetated or clear?
    • How far away is it? Is it difficult to get there?
    • Is there a history of survey problems in the area?
    • Have we worked on the property before?
    • Have we worked on adjacent properties?
    • How large is the property?
    • Are there survey monuments in the area?
    Contact us for a free quote.

  8. Why are surveys so expensive?
    The land surveying process is more complicated than most people expect. It requires a considerable amount of work experience and education. There are several stages in performing a survey which consists of:
    • preliminary research and calculations,
    • field work which usually includes work outside the immediate lot,
    • office analysis and calculations,
    • preparation of a survey sketch/report,
    • and installation of survey monuments.

  9. How can I be a land surveyor?
    You are in luck. One of our professional land surveyors has taught a land surveying class at GCC. Contact us for more information.

  10. What do I do if I have a boundary problem or dispute?
    We usually recommend having a report prepared by a professional land surveyor detailing the extent and nature of the survey problem. If your neighbor approaches you about a survey problem, you should ask him if there is a report by a licensed land surveyor. If there is a report, you will need to have your own licensed land surveyor verify the report. Ultimately, only the courts can settle the dispute.

  11. Is my lot big enough to subdivide?
    It depends on several factors. Check this chart.

  12. How can I pay by credit card?
    Please call or come in and we can help you. We can also send you a customized invoice for your credit card information.